Mash with Hands - Mash some paneer with your hands and notice the texture. If it immediately starts falling apart, it’s adulterated.
Use Iodine Tincture - Add water in a pan, place paneer and bring it to boil. Add a few drops of Iodine Tincture once it cools down and if it turns blue, then it's artificial.
Use Arhar Dal - Boil paneer in water and add Arhar dal once it cools down. If the colour changes to light red, it means the paneer is adulterated.
Taste it - Taste a small portion of paneer. If the paneer is chewy and gives a sour taste, the paneer is adulterated.
Soybean Powder - Boil paneer in water and add soybean powder when it cools down. If the colour of paneer changes, it is adulterated.
Smell Test - If the paneer has a mild and fresh dairy scent, then it is pure paneer. Adulterated paneer will have a sour odour.
Oil Test - Fry some paneer in oil, if it leaves a lot of oil behind then it is adulterated. Pure paneer won’t leave much oil.